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1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed

Eric H. Cline

From acclaimed archaeologist and bestselling author Eric Cline, a breathtaking account of how the collapse of an ancient civilized world ushered in the first Dark AgesIn 1177 B.C., marauding groups known only as the Sea Peoples invaded Egypt. The pharaoh's army and navy defeated them, but the victory so weakened Egypt that it soon slid into decline, as did most of the surrounding civilizations. Eric Cline tells the gripping story of how the end was brought about by multiple interconnected failures, ranging from invasion and revolt to earthquakes, drought, famine, and the cutting of international trade routes. Bringing to life a vibrant multicultural world, he draws a sweeping panorama of the empires of the age and shows that it may have been their very interdependence that hastened their dramatic collapse. Now revised and updated, 1177 B.C. sheds light on the complex ties that gave rise to, and eventually destroyed, the flourishing civilizations of the Late Bronze Age--and set the stage for the emergence of classical Greece and, ultimately, our world today.

A Guerrilha do Remexido

António do Canto Machado

A figura de José Joaquim de Sousa Reis, conhecido pela alcunha de Remexido, suscitou grande repercussão, merecendo abundantes referências jornalísticas, literárias e históricas, que primam na quase totalidade pelo seu pendor apaixonado. Encarado por uns como herói romântico, que tudo sacrificou ao serviço da causa de D. Miguel, foi por outros considerado como chefe cruel de bandos de salteadores, que desde 1833 ensanguentaram o Algarve com as suas atrocidades. Atraído pelas dramáticas vicissitudes da sua vida, também Camilo lhe dedicou algumas páginas num dos seus mais notáveis romances, A Brasileira de Prazins. A presente obra debruça-se, de forma empolgante, sobre uma das mais combativas guerrilhas miguelistas, abrindo clareiras de luz no nevoeiro espesso que ainda envolve a nossa história do século XIX.

Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century

Sergei Guriev

How a new breed of dictators holds power by manipulating information and faking democracyHitler, Stalin, and Mao ruled through violence, fear, and ideology. But in recent decades a new breed of media-savvy strongmen has been redesigning authoritarian rule for a more sophisticated, globally connected world. In place of overt, mass repression, rulers such as Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Viktor Orbán control their citizens by distorting information and simulating democratic procedures. Like spin doctors in democracies, they spin the news to engineer support. Uncovering this new brand of authoritarianism, Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman explain the rise of such "spin dictators," describing how they emerge and operate, the new threats they pose, and how democracies should respond.Spin Dictators traces how leaders such as Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew and Peru's Alberto Fujimori pioneered less violent, more covert, and more effective methods of monopolizing power. They cultivated an image of competence, concealed censorship, and used democratic institutions to undermine democracy, all while increasing international engagement for financial and reputational benefits. The book reveals why most of today's authoritarians are spin dictators--and how they differ from the remaining "fear dictators" such as Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad, as well as from masters of high-tech repression like Xi Jinping.Offering incisive portraits of today's authoritarian leaders, Spin Dictators explains some of the great political puzzles of our time--from how dictators can survive in an age of growing modernity to the disturbing convergence and mutual sympathy between dictators and populists like Donald Trump.

Foundation's Edge (Foundation, #4)

Isaac Asimov

At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations had come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation had proved victorious; and now they return to Hari Seldon's long-established plan to build a new Empire on the ruins of the old. But rumors persist that the Second Foundation is not destroyed after all—and that its still-defiant survivors are preparing their revenge. Now two exiled citizens of the Foundation—a renegade Councilman and a doddering historian—set out in search of the mythical planet Earth. . .and proof that the Second Foundation still exists.Meanwhile someone—or something—outside of both Foundations seems to be orchestrating events to suit its own ominous purpose. Soon representatives of both the First and Second Foundations will find themselves racing toward a mysterious world called Gaia and a final shocking destiny at the very end of the universe!

Odes (Ricardo Reis)

Fernando Pessoa

Ricardo Reis foi o segundo heterônimo criado por Fernando Pessoa, depois de Alberto Caeiro e antes de Álvaro de Campos - e é o mais clássico de todos eles. Suas odes refletem um espírito rigoroso, que defendia a ausência de desejos e o autodomínio como receita de sabedoria. A severidade de sua postura criou uma poesia precisa, de métrica calculada.

El dispendio del Duque: la Conjura de Andalucía (Spanish Edition)

Manuel Ángel López Taillefert

El dispendio del duque es una novela histórica donde se pone de manifiesto la riqueza, el poder y las debilidades de la nobleza, y en especial de la casa de Medina Sidonia, durante la primera mitad del siglo XVII. Felipe IV, más entusiasmado en los placeres de la carne, en la caza y otros quehaceres mundanos que en la política, delega las tareas del gobierno en su valido, el conde-duque de Olivares, cuya política económica produce, en el concierto de la monarquía hispánica, agudos desequilibrios y despierta conjuras y afanes de independencia. En este convulso contexto, el protagonista de la novela, un joven capitán a las órdenes del duque Medina Sidonia, conocerá a su amada cuando aquella está a punto de cometer un magnicidio en el legendario bosque de Doñana. Intrigas familiares, rebeliones y fastos sin precedentes se entremezclan en esta novela que, sin renunciar al máximo rigor histórico en el retrato de una época de nuestra Historia, pretende desgranar las pasiones, las venganzas, los ideales y las miserias de sus personajes de ficción para que el lector se sienta implicado e inmerso en la trama.El autor, nacido en el entorno de Doñana, describe minuciosamente y penetra en los espacios más recónditos de tan legendario bosque, escenario natural que albergó, por unos días, al rey y a la Corte, invitados por el duque de Medina Sidonia, quien levantó allí una ciudad efímera capaz de albergar hasta doce mil personas que, entre cortesanos, soldados, lacayos, pajes y criados suponía el séquito del monarca. Las batidas de caza, los fastuosos banquetes, los fuegos de artificios o los espectáculos teatrales fueron el asombro de la Corte, pero esa misma Corte será también testigo de uno de los episodios más trágicos para la casa el fracaso de la Conjura de Andalucía. Nuestros protagonistas se vieron envueltos en esa conspiración, poniendo en juego sus vidas, perdiéndola el marqués de Ayamonte, cuya cabeza rodará finalmente sobre el cadalso.Esta novela histórica bien podría definirse como historia novelada, ya que la verosimilitud de los personajes de ficción los hace tan de carne y hueso como los históricos. Y, a través de ellos, el lector palpa y percibe la realidad de una época convulsa de nuestra Historia en la que decadencia y esplendor van unidos, como los últimos eslabones de una cadena que no puede resistir más el peso de un imperio tan vasto como el hispánico.

Graph Data Modeling in Python: A practical guide to curating, analyzing, and modeling data with graphs

Gary Hutson

Learn how to transform, store, evolve, refactor, model, and create graph projections using the Python programming language Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook Graphs have become increasingly integral to powering the products and services we use in our daily lives, driving social media, online shopping recommendations, and even fraud detection. With this book, you'll see how a good graph data model can help enhance efficiency and unlock hidden insights through complex network analysis. Graph Data Modeling in Python will guide you through designing, implementing, and harnessing a variety of graph data models using the popular open source Python libraries NetworkX and igraph. Following practical use cases and examples, you'll find out how to design optimal graph models capable of supporting a wide range of queries and features. Moreover, you'll seamlessly transition from traditional relational databases and tabular data to the dynamic world of graph data structures that allow powerful, path-based analyses. As well as learning how to manage a persistent graph database using Neo4j, you'll also get to grips with adapting your network model to evolving data requirements. By the end of this book, you'll be able to transform tabular data into powerful graph data models. In essence, you'll build your knowledge from beginner to advanced-level practitioner in no time. If you are a data analyst or database developer interested in learning graph databases and how to curate and extract data from them, this is the book for you. It is also beneficial for data scientists and Python developers looking to get started with graph data modeling. Although knowledge of Python is assumed, no prior experience in graph data modeling theory and techniques is required.


Alfredo Cortez

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

Hands-on Booting: Learn the Boot Process of Linux, Windows, and Unix

Yogesh Babar

Master the booting procedure of various operating systems with in-depth analysis of bootloaders and firmware. The primary focus is on the Linux booting procedure along with other popular operating systems such as Windows and Unix. Hands-on Booting begins by explaining what a bootloader is, starting with the Linux bootloader followed by bootloaders for Windows and Unix systems. Next, you’ll address the BIOS and UEFI firmware by installing multiple operating systems on one machine and booting them through the Linux bootloader. Further, you’ll see the kernel's role in the booting procedure of the operating system and the dependency between kernel, initramfs, and dracut. You’ll also cover systemd, examining its structure and how it mounts the user root filesystem. In the final section, the book explains troubleshooting methodologies such as debugging shells followed by live images and rescue mode. On completing this book, you will understand the booting process of major operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and Unix. You will also know how to fix the Linux booting issues through various boot modes. What You Will Learn Who This Book Is ForLinux users, administrators, and developers.

Beginning PyQt: A Hands-on Approach to GUI Programming with PyQt6

Joshua M Willman

Learn GUI application development from the ground up by building simple projects that teach the fundamentals of using PyQt6. This 2nd edition includes updated code, programs, and new chapters to get you started using the newest version.  Taking a practical approach, each chapter will gradually teach more advanced and diverse concepts to aid you in designing and customizing interesting and professional applications.You'll start by learning important concepts related to GUI development, and then jump right into building different and exciting projects in every chapter. Along the way, you’ll discover new widgets, layouts, and other concepts that will help you to build better UIs. You'll also construct more elaborate GUIs, covering topics that include storing data using the clipboard, graphics and animation, support for SQL databases, multithreading applications, and building modern-looking interfaces. Using this knowledge, you’ll be able to build a photo editor, games, a text editor, a working web browser, and an assortment of other GUIs. In the end, this book will guide you through the process of creating UIs to help you bring your own ideas to life.  Find out what you need to begin making your own applications with PyQt! What You'll LearnDevelop cross-platform UIs with PyQt and PythonUse PyQt’s many widgets and apply them by building real applicationsBuild larger applications through a step-by-step approach and break the code into smaller chunks for deeper understandingWork with more complex applications in PyQt, covering SQL databases, multithreading, web browsers, and moreCreate modern-looking UIs with Qt Quick and QtQml using the latest version of PyQtWho This Book Is ForPython developers who are looking to begin creating user interfaces and want to utilize the latest version of PyQt to getsstarted. Having prior knowledge of PyQt or other Python UI toolkits is not necessary to begin using this book.